"My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?"
A Lenten Bible Study
on Psalm 22
The 24 page pdf booklet may be downloaded here:
My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
Dr Martin Luther's Introduction to Psalm 22
From the introduction...
"More than any other passage of Scripture Psalm 22 holds before us the suffering of Jesus, His physical agony, the mockery and shame of the crucifixion, and most of all the spiritual suffering in which Jesus knows the wrath of God and the pains of hell which we sinners have deserved. Psalm 22, then, is the sweetest Gospel in which we see the depths of Christ's love for us, a love so deep that it compelled Him to suffer all, even death, for us and for our salvation."
The Gospel According to St Matthew
Our Sunday Morning Bible Class is studying the Gospel according to St Mathew. The class handouts are available in pdf form below.
Images of the Church in the Scriptures

This Bible Study explores five of the images of the Church in the Scriptures:
+ Christ the Shepherd, We the Sheep
+ Christ the Vine, We the Branches
+ Christ the Cornerstone, We the Temple
+ Christ the Bridegroom, We the Bride
+ Christ the Head, We the Body
The 16 page pdf booklet can be downloaded here:
Images of the Church in the Scripture