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Complete Sermon Archives

'The Example of Love' Luke 10: 25-37 

The 13th Sunday of Advent, 2015 (August 30th) 

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The most wonderful of parables, the Parable of the Good Samaritan. 

'The One Going to Jerusalem' Luke 18:31-43 

Quinquagesima, 2015 (February 15th) 

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Jesus is going to Jerusalem, and He is going there to die.  

'Stay Awake' Luke 21:25-36 

The 2nd Sunday of Advent, 2014 (December 7th) 

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God comes to us. This is a reversal of how we normally think about things.  

'For All the Saints' Revelation 7:9-17 

All Saints’ Day (observed), 2014 (November 2nd) 

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What does this mean, to be a saint?  

'The Humility of Christ. The Humility of the Christian' Luke 14:1-11  

The 17th Sunday after Trinity, 2014 (October 12th) 

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The Gospel reading gives us the account of a Sabbath meal with Jesus and the Pharisees. 

'The God of the March of Death' Luke 7:11-17 

The 16th Sunday after Trinity, 2014 (October 5th) 

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In the ancient world a city, if it could, would have a wall all around, for protection. 

'Sinners Only' Matthew 9:9-13 

The Feast of St Matthew, 2014 (September 21st) 

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There was apparently an old Rabbinic saying about the difficulty of tax-collectors coming to repentance...  

'Wolves with Rotten Fruit' Matthew 7:15-23 

The Eighth Sunday After Trinity Sunday, 2014 (Aug 10th) 

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Jesus puts two pictures in front of us this morning to warn and teach us.  

'The Last Penny Paid' Matthew 5:20-26 

The Sixth Sunday After Trinity Sunday, 2014 (July 27th) 

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Jesus is blasting away at us in the Gospel text this morning. These are words first preached in this Sermon on the Mount, but they ring as true today as they did then, because every single one of us wants to be a Pharisee.  

'Rejoicing in the Confession of the Trinity' + Romans 11:33-36

Trinity Sunday, 2014 (June 15th) 

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There is an old quip, attributed to different wits, something like this, “In the beginning God created man, and ever since man has been returning the favor.” There is some truth to this. We are tempted to fashion God after ourselves, to have a god to suit us.

'I’ve Arrived' John 15:26-16:4

Exaudi (Sunday of the Ascension), 2014 (June 1st) 

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Today is a day of great joy as you are welcomed to the Lord’s Altar, to His Supper, to His body and blood for the forgiveness of your sins. It is not because we are worthy that we come here, but because we are unworthy, we are sinners, we need what the Lord gives out. And this is true for all the baptized. 

'Good and Bad Fruit' + Matthew 7:15-23
The 8th Sunday after Trinity, 2009 (August 2nd) 

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Beware!” That's what Jesus says to His disciples and to His church, to us, “Beware! Watch out! Be on your guard!” “No problem,” we respond, “We are a careful sort of people, we know how to look out for things. We are wary of someone trying to cheat us. We lock our cars and our houses, being wary of thieves trying to break in and steal. We teach our children to beware of strangers. We don't stand too close to the edge, we smell the milk before we drink it, we test the temperature before we jump in, we wash our hands before we eat, we're pretty good at being wary.” What do you want us to beware of, Jesus?”

'You Shall Not Murder' + Matthew 5:20-26
The 6th Sunday after Trinity Sunday (July 19th, 2009) Sermon Text

You shall not murder.” If you go out on the street and ask someone to name the ten commandments, this is almost always the first one named, and often times the last one. It is the most basic rule and law for mankind. Don't kill each other.

'The Blessed Unfairness of the Gospel' + Matthew 20:1-9
Septuagesima, The First Sunday in Pre-Lent, 2009 (February 8th)

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Christian doctrine goes against our flesh, our very nature. This is why it is so important to come to church and continue to study the Lord's Word, because what the Holy Spirit teaches us hear is truth that we cannot hear anywhere else. And our flesh naturally gravitates away from the truths of the kingdom of God.

'Satan on the Mount of Transfiguration' + Matthew 17:1-9
The Sunday of the Transfiguration, 2009 (February 1st)

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"Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, brought them up on a high mountain by themselves, and was transfigured before them” (Matthew 17:1-2a). Notice: “after six days.” Six days of what? To answer that question we simple have to turn the page in our Bibles and see how Matthew chapter 16 ends. This is the great confession of Peter. Beginning in Matthew 16:13, Jesus takes His disciples to Ceasarea Philippi and asks them, “Who do people say that I am?” The disciples give all the various answers: John the Baptist raised from the dead, the prophet Elijah or one of the other prophets.

'Healed' + Matthew 8:1-13
The 3rd Sunday in Epiphany, 2009 (January 25)

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There are two miracles in the text today, the healing of the leper and the healing of the Centurion's servant who was paralyzed. These are very different situations, one a Jewish leper, the other a slave of a Roman military commander; one has leprosy, the other is paralyzed; one Jesus heals by speaking, the other by touch.

'I'll Take Care of It' + John 2:1-11
The 2nd Sunday in Epiphany, 2009 (January 18)

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Jesus turns water into wine for His disciples, for His mother, for the servants who drew the water, and for us, so that we would have the thing that is most needful in this life: faith in Him, so that we would know who He is. Jesus does this so that we would know and treasure above all other things this Jesus who can do anything, even save us from the wrath of God and the rage of the devil.

'Forgiven Forgivers' + Matthew 18:23-35
The 22nd Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (October 19)

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In your baptism your Jesus has clothed you with the white robes of His righteousness, the beautiful adornment of His saints, His children. Baptized into His name, you are His child, His precious daughter, His friend, and every thing that the Lord has, He has given to you. Today, in your baptism, the Lord has set you on the blessed path of His mercy that will end, one day, in the radiance of His face. We pray with you today, A., that the Lord would keep you on that straight path of His mercy and love.

'Serving God and Neighbor' + Matthew 22:15-22
The 23rd Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (October 12)

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Faith, Love and Voting

'War is Heaven' + Revelation 12:7-14
St Michael and All Angels, 2008 (October 5)

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Jesus loves us. Over and over we see the tender seriousness of His love and compassion and mercy. He doesn't leave us to our own devices; He doesn't let us sink down into the darkness of death and the despair of condemnation. He rescues and saves, He helps and delivers. We see this in the Gospel text.

'Forgiveness among Men' + Matthew 9:1-8
The 19th Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (September 28)

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Jesus loves us. Over and over we see the tender seriousness of His love and compassion and mercy. He doesn't leave us to our own devices; He doesn't let us sink down into the darkness of death and the despair of condemnation. He rescues and saves, He helps and delivers. We see this in the Gospel text.

'Sinners Called' + Matthew 9:9-13
St Matthew, Apostle and Evanglist's Day, 2008 (September 21)

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We don't know St Matthew's favorite Bible verse, but I think that we would be safe in guessing today's Gospel reading. There is Matthew the tax collector, despised, unclean, an outcast and a sinner, and Jesus calls him, “Follow Me.” And then, as Jesus is sitting at the table with the Pharisees, these Pharisees try to get after Matthew and after Jesus, but Jesus won't have it. “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” [Matthew 9:12-13]

'Raised from the Dead' + Luke 7:11-17
The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (September 7)

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Jesus doesn't get along so well with death. Remember that the next time someone tells you that death is natural, that it's good, that it's something that you have to comes to terms with, that you should be sad or cry when someone dies. No. Jesus doesn't like death, and neither should we.Death is sad. Death is the enemy of humanity, the punishment for sin, the delight of the devil. Death is what is wrong with this world. And Jesus doesn't like it.

'Worry and Faith' + Matthew 6:24-34
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (August 31)

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Jesus is standing on the mountain preaching to His disciples, to the multitudes following Him, and to us. And His sermon to us this morning is about money and worry and faith in our heavenly Father. The word of Jesus that rings out and echoes on our ears is this command, ?Do not worry.?

'The Witness of Jesus' + John 1:40-51
St Bartholomew, Apostle's Day, 2008 (August 24)

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Today we hear the witness of three apostles about our Lord Jesus, about who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

'The Neighbor List' + Luke 10:23-37
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (August 17)

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Again this morning we come to a familiar text that might be so familiar that we become dangerously comfortable with it. A few weeks ago this special about this fellow who lives in Alaska with the grizzly bears. He pets them and feeds them and they walk in and out of his cabin, and as I'm watching this the only thing I can think is: this won't end up good. It's dangerous to become too comfortable with something so dangerous. This guy is going to be mauled. And that's how it is with us and the lawyer and this text. It mauls us. It leaves us stripped naked and laying half-dead in the ditch waiting for a Savior.

'Can I Date Your Daughter?' + Luke 18:9-14
The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (August 3)

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If this parable of Jesus is going to have it's way with us this morning, then we must be put to death before we are raised by the Holy Spirit. Jesus compares two men. One is the Pharisee, the other a tax collector. One is good; the other is bad. One is forgiven; the other is damned. The parable is strong in her simplicity, but perhaps the edge is dulled because we know it so well. So if you'll prevent me, I'll change it just a little to see if we can't recover some of the bite. Instead of having the two guys go to the temple to pray, let's have them come to your house to ask your daughter to go on a date.

'Stewardship' + Luke 16:1-9
The Ninth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (July 20)

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Christians give their money to support the preaching of the Gospel. When we talk about stewardship, that's the most important thing for us to understand, so we'll hear it again: Christians give money to support the preaching of the Gospel.

'Wolves Among the Sheep' + Matthew 7:15-23
The Eighth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (July 13)

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Whatever it is, we are most often on guard against those things that cause pain and cause death. But Jesus corrects us. He tells us to watch out for that which is most dangerous, the most dangerous thing in the world: false doctrine.

'Compassion' + Mark 8:1-9
The Seventh Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (July 6)

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Jesus came to preach and die. He had to do His preaching and teaching first so that His followers would know why He's dying. This is Jesus plan to deal with our sin and our death, and it will come to it's glorious fruition in the resurrection. It is in the resurrection that every disease will be healed, every blind eye opened, every cancer ridden body healed, every sick mind clear, every tear dried, every body made perfect, every dead person raised.

'Exceeding Righteousness' + Matthew 5:20-26
The Sixth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (June 29)

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The trick to being a good legalist is this, you want to make the rules so that they are easy enough so that you can keep them, but hard enough so that hardly anyone else can. That way the rules will highlight how good you are, and how bad everyone else is. You want people to see you keeping these rules you've got and say, “Wow, that's impressive. They sure are holy, etc.”

'Faith, Not Sight' + Luke 5:1-11
The Fifth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (June 22)

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We've been on Catechism Retreat this week, studying the Lord's Prayer. The Gospel text before us today has to do with the fourth and fifth petitions. Jesus answers the prayer for daily bread by providing the great catch of fish, and He answers the prayer for forgiveness of sins when He says, “Do not be afraid.” What we are learning from this text, then, is that we trust God and His Word to provide all that He has promised. We trust His Word, even when what He promises doesn't look like it could possibly be true. In all of this Jesus is teaching us to walk by faith, and not by sight.

'As Your Father is Merciful' + Luke 6:36-42
The Fourth Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (June 15)

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"Like father, like son.” That good for Father's Day, and there's a lot of other sayings like this. My favorite is: “The nut doesn't fall from the tree.” Or when you have a new baby, people look closely at them so they can say things like, “She has her father's eyes” or “He looks like his dad.” If these are compliments or not depends, on course, on the face of the Father.

'Joy in Heaven' + Luke 15:1-10
The Third Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (June 8)

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Here in Luke 15 Our Lord Jesus gives us three parables about repentance, and we have heard the first two, the parable of the Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Coin, and then there is the parable called the Parable of the Prodigal Son, and all three of these parables are teaching us about repentance. The one sheep out of the ninety-nine is the one who repented, and the one coin is the repenting coin, as Jesus teaches us, “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” [Luke 14:10] 

'Supper Time' + Luke 14:16-24
The Second Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (June 1)

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There is a great danger that makes its way around the Lord's church: the thought that the Lord's mercy demands repayment. This is not true, and is dangerous. But I hear it sometimes from preachers: “Just think of all the things that the Lord has done for you, now what are you going to do for Him?” May such manipulation never be heard from this pulpit, and may the Lord take such wicked thoughts from our minds. The Lord's mercy has not put us in debt to Him. No. The Lord's mercy has rescued us from debt, forgiven our trespasses, set us free.

'Death' + Luke 14:16-24
The First Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 2008 (May 25)

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'The Beauty of the Lord' + Psalm 90:17a
Penteost Friday, 2008 (May 16)

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I bring you greetings from Aurora Colorado and all the Lord's people of Hope Lutheran Church and especially our own LWML ladies. When I told them I was coming to visit you all they said, “O Pastor, you'll have so much fun.” Which I think meant, “O Pastor, you better watch out. You never know whats going to happen when you get 300 Lutheran women in the same place for three days!” Well I know that wonderful things happen, especially when the Lord comes with His Word and promises.

'The Promised Holy Spirit' + Acts 2:1-21
The Sunday of Pentecost, 2008 (May 11)

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For weeks now we have heard in our Gospel readings the Lord Jesus promise to send His Holy Spirit. “The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” [John 14:26] And now we hear of the promise kept. (The Lord always keeps His promises.) Fifty days after the Lord's resurrection, ten days His Ascension the disciples are gathered in the upper room, and the Holy Spirit comes like Jesus promises, and the Twelve go outside and preach.

2nd Sermon: 'Sorrow in Childbearing (A Sermon for Mothers)' + Genesis 3:16
The Sunday of Pentecost, 2008 (May 11)

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The text that we must grapple with on Mother's Day is Genesis 3:16. I know Mother's Day is a sentimental day, but this is not a sentimental text. This is right after Eve and then Adam have sinned against God and all creation by eating from the tree that was forbidden, and the Son of God has come down into the garden and is handing out curses. And to Eve, the mother of us all, God says: "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children.”

'The Son of Man' + Daniel 7:13-14
The Sunday after Ascension, 2008 (May 4)

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You know how it is that the last time you see a person, that image is sealed in your mind. If a loved one is flying away, and you see them waving through the airplane window, you remember that wave the whole time they are gone. Jesus gives us this in His Ascension, the last time He was seen on the earth. He disappears from our sight with His arms raised in blessing.

'Baptism and Prayer' + John 16:23-30
Rogate (The 5th Sunday in Easter), 2008 (April 27)

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Baptism is great.
After all, the Bible says, “saves us” [1 Peter 3:21]. Jesus promised “He who believes and is baptized will be saved” [St Mark 16:16]. Baptism forgives sins, like Peter preached on Pentecost, “Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” [Acts 2:38] Paul preached the same thing. “Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins.” [Acts 22:16]

'Not Left Alone' + John 16:5-15
Cantate (The 4th Sunday in Easter), 2008 (April 20)

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We all heard stories and see news reports about children who were left alone by their parents. A child might get sick because their mother left them in the car while she was at the casino, or the father was in the bar. I found a story last night about a mother here in Colorado who left her six children, ages 6-14 home for 17 days while she went on a vacation to Italy.

'Live as Free Men' + 1 Peter 2:11-20
Jubilate (The 3rd Sunday in Easter), 2008 (April 13)

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Our friend, Dr Martin Luther, began his very famous treatise On Christian Freedom with these two propositions:

A Christian man is the most free lord of all, and subject to none.
A Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to every one.

'Shepherd and Sheep' + John 10:11-16
Misericordias Domine (The 2nd Sunday in Easter), 2008 (April 6)

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The image of the shepherd and the sheep runs all through the Scriptures. It is beautiful and full of comfort and very simple. Simple enough for the children to understand. The Lord is our shepherd and we are His sheep.
And in this simplicity we have the answers to just about every question that might come up in the church. This promise that the Lord is our Shepherd and we are His sheep tells us about who God is, what He does, who we are, and what His church is.

'Absolved' + John 20:19-31
Quasimodogeniti (The 1st Sunday in Easter), 2008 (March 30)

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One of the most offensive things about our liturgy is what happens at the very beginning. We sing a hymn, we call upon the name of the Lord, and then we have this portion of the service called “Confession and Absolution.”
The first offensive business is this whole “I am a poor, miserable sinner” business. If nothing else, this type of talk does not help our self-esteem. But this confession is true; it is the truth. You are a sinner. Completely. Totally. Everything you think and say and do is stained with sin.  

'Looking Back at Death' + St Mark 16:1-8
Resurection Sunday, 2008 (March 23)

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Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! The good news of Easter shines through the shadow of death. Light and life have come. Death could not hold Him. Death has lost its sting. Death is swallowed up in victory. Jesus is the victor. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

'Lowly' + St Matthew 22:1-11
Palm Sunday (The 6th Sunday in Lent), 2008 (March 16)

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Jesus comes into Jerusalem five days before His death, and He comes riding on a donkey walking on cloaks and surrounded with the shouts of people singing Psalm 118, “Hosanna, (That means, 'The Lord Saves'), Hosanna, Hosanna, Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.”

'The Blood of Jesus' + Hebrews 9:11-15
Judica (The 5th Sunday in Lent), 2008 (March 9)

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Some people get queasy when they see blood. I hope none of you are the sort that hearing about blood will bother you, because today's sermon, like our Epistle reading from Hebrews 9 is about blood. Many old Bibles were printed with the edges of the pages died red.

'Children of the Flesh, Children of the Promise' + Galatians 4:21-31
Laetare (The 4th Sunday in Lent), 2008 (March 2)

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There are two religions in all of the world, the religion of human works and efforts, and the religion of Jesus crucified.

'Faith and Prayer' + Matthew 15:21-29
Reminiscere (The 2nd Sunday in Lent), 2008 (February 17)

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Today we hear about faith and prayer, and what happens when it seems like God does not hear or answer our prayer. First we hear about it in the Old Testament lesson from Isaiah 40. The Lord's people are growing weary waiting for the Lord's promises to come to pass. They were saying, My way is hidden from the LORD, and my right is disregarded by my God.” [Isaiah 40:27] “The Lord isn't listening to me. He doesn't care about me. He hasn't heard my prayer.”

'Do You Love Me?' + Matthew 4:1-11
Invocavit (The 1st Sunday in Lent), 2008 (February 10)

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Do You Love Me?” That is the question that our Lenten banner will hold before us these next seven weeks: “Do You Love Me?” This question needs considering because there are two different ways of reading this question, with two very different answers and conclusions.

'Grace Alone, Scripture Alone, Faith Alone' + Luke 18:31-43
Quinquagesima (The 3rd Sunday in Pre-Lent), 2008 (February 3)

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When people ask me what in the world Lutheran's are, I normally answer with a short discussion of Law and Gospel. That's good because we can talk about how they are a sinner and how Jesus died for sinners. But if we want to get into what makes Lutheranism tick, there is the always handy three solas, Sola Grati, grace alone, Sola Scriptura, Scripture Alone, and Sola Fide, faith alone.

'Why Some and Not Others?' + Luke 8:4-16
Sexagesima (The 2nd Sunday in Pre-Lent), 2008 (January 27)

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As a pastor I get all kinds of questions, and I love it. “Pastor, I was talking to a friend and we were trying to figure out the difference between all the different Lutheran churches.” “Pastor, I was wondering what a good Christians book to give my grandson is.” Or, and I really, really love this question, when I'm sitting in my study and the phone rings and you say, “Pastor, I was just reading through Romans and I don't understand this verse.” That's just great; I smile for the rest of the day. But my favorite question of all is this, after hearing a sermon or Bible Study, the question comes, “Pastor, this is such good news, how can any one not believe it?” I ask myself the same question as I read and study the Gospel, the Scriptures and their crystal clear promise of God's undeserved grace and mercy.

'Wages and Gifts' + Matthew 20:1-16
Septuagesima (The 1st Sunday in Pre-Lent), 2008 (January 20)

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Jesus is teaching us about the kingdom of heaven, that is, the church. The gathering of believers to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. This is His kingdom, His house, His Word, and He is telling us what it it like. The kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.”And what follows seems to be a normal day in the vineyard. Workers are found in the morning and hired. They agree to work all day for a denarius, a day's wages. More are found before lunch, and hired. More are found in the afternoon, and hired. Then at dinner time, and then and hour before sundown. So far, so good...

'The Baptism of Our Lord' + Matthew 3:13-17
The Baptism of Our Lord (Epiphany Octave), 2008 (January 13)

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Jesus was thirty when He went down to the Jordan to be baptized by His cousin, the prophet John the Baptist. John was baptizing for the forgiveness of sins. But Jesus is perfect, He needs no forgiveness. Why is He baptized? Imagine a huge flock of sheep all gathered on the bank of the Jordan, pressing toward the water. One by one they go down to John, standing there in the river.

'Slaves, Not Sons' + Galatians 4:1-7
Christmas I, 2007 (December 30)

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 Merry Christmas!  The Lord gives gifts. That's what He does, what He loves to do. In love and mercy He gives us more than we could ask for or imagine. That is what our celebration of Christmas is about: the Lord giving us the gift of Jesus, the God-man. “For unto us a child is born.” And the Lord intends for us to unwrap His gifts, that is: to consider them and the purpose for which they were sent and to rejoice in them.

'God in a Manger' + Luke 2:1-14
Christmas Eve, 2007 (December 24)

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 Merry Christmas!  The name of tonight's sermon originally was 'God is a Diaper', but that seemed too shocking, jarring. Into the midst of our nostalgia and Christmas joy comes this preacher trying to shake things up, and look, I like to have things shaken up just as much as you do, and I have to listen to these sermons too, you know. But perhaps that's just it, there is something in Christmas that is a bit shocking or stunning, that the Lord of Life and King of Kings and the Eternal God is wrapped up in swaddling clothes, that God wears a diaper.

Complete Sermon Archive

This is an archive from Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller

Please visit Hope's website at hopeaurora.org