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Saturday, February 22, 2025 | |
Sermon Archives
This table is sortable in an internet explorer window. Click on 'Title', 'Scripture Text', or 'Day' to sort the sermons.
Scripture Text
'The Example of Love' |
42Luke 10: 25-37 |
Trinity 13, 2015 |
'The One Going to Jerusalem' |
42Luke 18:31-43 |
Quinquagesima, 2015 |
'Stay Awake' |
42Luke 21:25-36 |
Advent 1, 2014 |
'For All the Saints' |
42Revelation 7:9-17 |
All Saints’ Day (observed)), 2014 |
'The Humility of Christ. The Humility of the Christian' |
42Luke 14:1-11 |
Trinity 17, 2014 |
'The God of the March of Death' |
42Luke 7:11-17 |
Trinity 16, 2014 |
'Sinners Only' |
42Matthew 9:9-13 |
St Matthew, 2014 |
'Wolves with Rotten Fruit' |
42Matthew 7:15-23 |
Trinity 08, 2014 |
'Rejoicing in the Confession of the Trinity' |
42Matthew 5:20-26 |
Trinity 06, 2014 |
'The Last Penny Paid' |
42Romans 11:33-36 |
Trinity Sunday, 2014 |
'I’ve Arrived' |
42John 15:26-16:4 |
Ascension 1, 2014 |
'One Thing Needful' |
42Luke 10:38-42 |
Trinity 14, 2009 |
'You Can't Justify Yourself' |
42Luke 10:23-37 |
Trinity 13, 2009 |
'Ears to Hear' |
40Mark 7:31-37 |
Trinity 12, 2009 |
'Pride and Despair' |
42Luke 18:9-14 |
Trinity 11, 2009 |
'What Makes Jesus Weep' |
42Luke 19:41-48 |
Trinity 10, 2009 |
'The Money Follows What You Love' |
42Luke 16:1-9 |
Trinity 09, 2009 |
'True and False Teachers' |
40Matthew 7:15-23 |
Trinity 08, 2009 |
'Daily Bread' |
41Mark 1:1-9 |
Trinity 07, 2009 |
'You Shall Not Murder' |
40Matthew 5:20-26 |
Trinity 06, 2009 |
'Serving God and Neighbor' |
40Matthew 22:15-22 |
Trinity 23, 2008 |
'Authority to Forgive' |
40Matthew 09:1-8 |
Trinity 19, 2008 |
'Sinners Called'
40Matthew 09:9-13 |
St Matthew, 2008 |
'Raised from the Dead' |
42Luke 07:11-17 |
Trinity 16, 2008 |
'Worry and Faith' |
40Matthew 06:24-34 |
Trinity 15, 2008 |
'The Witness of Jesus' |
43John 1:40-51 |
St Bartholomew's Day, 2008 |
'The Neighbor List' |
42Luke 10:23-37 |
Trinity 13, 2008 |
'Date with a Pharisee' |
42Luke 18:9-14 |
Trinity 11, 2008 |
'Stewardship' |
42Luke 16:1-9 |
Trinity 09, 2008 |
'Wolves Among Sheep' |
42Matthew 07:15-23 |
Trinity 08. 2008 |
'Compassion' |
42Matthew 08:1-9 |
Trinity 07, 2008 |
'Exceeding Righteousness' |
42Matthew 05:20-26 |
Trinity 06, 2008 |
'Faith, Not Sight' |
42Luke 05:1-11 |
Trinity 05, 2008 |
'As Your Father is Merciful' |
42Luke 06:36-42 |
Trinity 04, 2008 |
'Joy in Heaven' |
42Luke 15:1-10 |
Trinity 03, 2008 |
'Supper Time' |
42Luke 16:19-31 |
Trinity 02, 2008 |
'Sorrow in Childbearing' |
01Genesis 03:16 |
Mother's Day, 2008 (2nd Pentecost sermon) |
'The Promised Holy Spirit' |
44Acts 02:1-21 |
Pentecost, 2008 |
'The Son of Man' |
27Daniel 7:13-14 |
Ascension 1, 2008 (Exaudi) |
'Baptism and Prayer' |
43John 16:23-30 |
Easter 5, 2008 (Rogate) |
'Not Left Alone'
43John 16:5-15 |
Easter 4, 2008 (Cantate) |
'Live as Free Men' |
601 Peter 2:11-20 |
Easter 3, 2008 (Jubilate) |
'Shepherd and Sheep' |
43John 10:11-16 |
Easter 2, 2008 (Misericordias Domini) |
'Absolved' |
43John 20:19-31 |
Easter 1, 2008 (Quasimodogeniti) |
'Looking Back at Death' |
41Mark 16:1-8 |
Resurrection Sunday, 2008 |
'Lowly' |
40Matthew 22:1-22 |
Lent 6, 2008 (Palm Sunday) |
'The Blood of Jesus' |
58Hebrews 09:11-15 |
Lent 5, 2008 (Judica) |
'Children of the Flesh, Children of the Promise' |
48Galatians 4:21-31 |
Lent 4, 2008 (Laetare) |
'Faith and Prayer' |
40Matthew 15:21-29 |
Lent 2, 2008 (Reminiscere) |
'Do You Love Me?' |
40Matthew 04:1-11 |
Lent 1, 2008 (Invocavit) |
'Grace Alone, Scripture Alone, Faith Alone' |
41Luke 18:31-43 |
Pre-Lent 3, 2008 (Quinquagesima) |
'Why Some and Not Others' |
41Luke 08:4-16 |
Pre-Lent 2, 2008 (Sexagesima) |
'Wages and Gifts' |
40Matthew 20:1-16 |
Pre-Lent 1, 2008 (Septuagesima) |
'The Baptism of Our Lord' |
40Matthew 03:13-17 |
Epiphany Octave, 2008 |
'Slaves, Not Sons' |
48Galatians 4:1-7 |
Christmas 1, 2007 |
'God in a Manger' |
41Luke 02:1-14 |
Christmas Eve, 2007 |
'God's Lamb' |
43John 01:19-29 |
Advent 4, 2007 (Rorate Coeli) |
'The Coming One' |
40Matthew 11:2-10 |
Advent 3, 2007 (Gaudate) |
'Waiting' |
41Luke 21:25-36 |
Advent 2, 2007 (Populus Zion) |
'Came, Comes, Coming' |
40Matthew 21:1-9 |
Advent 1, 2007 (Ad Te Levavi) |
'Wake, Awake!' |
40Matthew 25:1-13 |
Trinity 27 (Last Sunday), 2007 |
'Thanksgiving and ...' |
19Psalm 136:1 |
Thanksgiving Eve, 2007 |
'The Last Victory' |
40Matthew 09:18-26 |
Trinity 24, 2007 |
'Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Forgive' |
40Matthew 18:12-35 |
Trinity 22, 2007 |
'The Righteous Shall Live by Faith' |
35Habakkuk 2:1-4 |
Reformation 2007 |
'Elect' |
40Matthew 22:1-14 |
Trinity 20, 2007 |
'Such Authority to Men' |
40Matthew 09:1-8 |
Trinity 19, 2007 |
'Love and David's Lord' |
40Matthew 22:34-46 |
Trinity 18, 2007 |
'The Lowest Place' |
42Luke 14:1-11 |
Trinity 17, 2007 |
'The Halted March of Death' |
42Luke 07:11-17 |
Trinity 16, 2007 |
'Worry Turned to Prayer'
40Matthew 06:24-34 |
Trinity 15, 2007 |
'The Thankful Samaritan' |
42Luke 17:11-19 |
Trinity 14, 2007 |
'The Good Samaritan' |
42Luke 10:1-14 |
Trinity 13, 2007 |
'The Ministry of Righteousness' |
472 Corinthians 03:4-11 |
Trinity 12, 2007 |
'O Jerusalem, Jerusalem' |
42Luke 19:41-49 |
Trinity 10, 2007 |
Divine Service |
Various Scriptures |
Trinity 09, 2007 |
'Beware of False Teachers' |
41Matthew 07:15-23 |
Trinity 08, 2007 |
'Hungry' |
42Mark 08:1-9 |
Trinity 07, 2007 |
'A New Heart' |
26Ezekiel 36:22-28 |
Trinity 05, 2007 |
'As Your Father in Heaven is Merciful' |
42Luke 06:36-45 |
Trinity 04, 2007 |
'This Man Receives Sinners and Eats with Them' |
42Luke 15:1-10 |
Trinity 03, 2007 |
'Love in Deed' |
621 John 3:13-18a |
Trinity 02, 2007 |
'Holy, Holy, Holy' |
23Isaiah 06:1-8 |
Trinity Sunday, 2007 |
'They All Heard the Wonderful Works of God' |
44Acts 02:1-21 |
Pentecost, 2007 |
'Giving God Service' |
43John 15:26-16:4 |
Ascension 1, 2007 (Exaudi) |
'Our Father' |
43John 16:23-30 |
Easter 5, 2007 (Rogate) |
'The Work of the Holy Spirit' |
43John 16:5-15 |
Easter 4, 2007 (Cantate) |
'Joy that Connot Be Taken' |
43John 16:16-22 |
Easter 3, 2007 (Jubilate) |
'Jesus is the Good Shepherd' |
43John 10:11-19 |
Easter 2, 2007 (Misericordias Domine) |
'Christ is Risen to Give Us Forgiveness and Faith' |
43John 20:19-31 |
Easter 1, 2007 (Quasimodogeniti) |
'He Is Risen Indeed' |
42Mark 16:1-8 |
Resurrection Sunday, 2007 |
'It Is Finished' |
43John 18:1-19:42 |
Good Friday, 2007 |
'Jesus' Last Will and Testament' |
461 Corinthians 11:23-32 |
Maundy Thursday, 2007 |
'No Ordinary King' |
40Matthew 21:1-9 |
Lent 6, 2007 (Palm Sunday) |
'It is Better for One to Die' |
43John 11:45-57 |
Lent 5, 2007 (Judica) |
'From Heaven Above to Earth I Come' |
43John 06:1-12 |
Lent 4, 2007 (Laetare) |
'I've Had Enoughof the Devil' |
42Luke 11:14-28 |
Lent 3, 2007 (Oculi) |
'Troubled, Distressed, Afflicted and in Pain' |
19Psalm 025:17-18 |
Lent 2, 2007 (Reminiscere) |
'The First Gospel' |
01Genesis 03:1-15 |
Lent 1, 2007 (Invocavit) |
'What a Waste of Seed' |
42Luke 08:4-16 |
Pre-Lent 2, 2007 (Quinquagesima) |
'It's Just Not Fair... Thank the Lord' |
40Matthew 20:1-16 |
Pre-Lent 3, 2007 (Septuigesima) |
'God in Flesh Made Manifest' |
40Matthew 17:1-9 |
Transfiguration, 2007 |
'The Retreat of Sorrow' |
40Matthew 08:1-13 |
Epiphany 3, 2007 |
'The Retreat of Sorrow' |
23Isaiah 35:10 |
Epiphany 3, 2007 |
'The Best for Last' |
43John 02:1-11 |
Epiphany 2, 2007 |
'The Family Business' |
42Luke 02:41-52 |
Epiphany 1, 2007 |
'God in Our Flesh' |
43John 01:1-18 |
Christmas Day, 2006 |
'Putting the "X" in X-mas' |
42Luke 02:1-14 |
Christmas Eve, 2006 |
'Comfort, Yes, Comfort My People' |
43John 01:19-28 |
Advent 4, 2006 |
'Comfort, Yes, Comfort My People' |
23Isaiah 40:1-11 |
Advent 4, 2006 |
'The Preaching of John the Baptist' |
39Malachi 3:1-7 |
Advent 3, 2006 |
'Our Expectation, God's Patience' |
42Luke 21:25-36 |
Advent 2, 2006 |
'The Bridegroom Comes, Awake!' |
40Matthew 25:1-14 |
Trinity 27, 2006 |
'Sleeping Through the Sermon' |
40Matthew 09:18-26 |
Trinity 24, 2006 |
'Like Unto His Glorious Body' |
50Philippians 3:17-21 |
Trinity 23, 2006 |
'Like Unto His Glorious Body' |
40Matthew 22:15-22 |
Trinity 23, 2006 |
'Blessed' |
40Matthew 05:1-12 |
All Saints, 2006 |
'The Cross Alone is Our Theology' |
45Romans 03:19-26 |
Reformation, 2006 |
'Your Wedding Garments' |
40Matthew 22:1-14 |
Trinity 20, 2006 |
'Who Is Climbing Jacob's Ladder?' |
01Genesis 28:10-17 |
Trinity 19, 2006 |
'Friend, Go Up Higher' |
42Luke 14:1-11 |
Trinity 17, 2006 |
'War is Heaven'
66Revelation 12:7-12 |
St Michael and All Angels 2006 |
'Therefore, Do Not Worry' |
40Matthew 06:24-34 |
Trinity 15, 2006 |
'O Give Thanks Unto the Lord, for He is Good' |
42Luke 17:11-19 |
Trinity 14, 2006 |
'Who is your neighbor?' |
42Luke 10:23-37 |
Trinity 13, 2006 |
'Sealed for the Resurrection' |
41Mark 07:31-37 |
Trinity 12, 2006 |
'Going Home Justified' |
42Luke 18:9-14 |
Trinity 11, 2006 |
'Make Friends for Yourselves' |
42Luke 16:1-13 |
Trinity 09, 2006 |
'Beware' |
40Matthew 07:15-23 |
Trinity 08, 2006 |
'Getting What We Don't Deserve' |
45Romans 06:19-23 |
Trinity 07, 2006 |
'Fish, Fear and Faith' |
42Luke 05:1-7 |
Trinity 05, 2006 |
'Waiting for Adoption' |
45Romans 08:18-23 |
Trinity 04, 2006 |
'Finding or Found' |
42Luke 15:1-10 |
Trinity 03, 2006 |
'Why is Jesus always calling us poor?' |
42Luke 14:16-21 |
Trinity 02, 2006 |
'We Have Moses and the Prophets' |
42Luke 16:19-31 |
Trinity 01, 2006 |
'The Holy Trinity Gives Himself to Us' |
23Isaiah 06:1-7 |
Trinity Sunday, 2006 |
'The Holy Spirit: The Comforter' |
43John 14:23-31 |
Pentecost, 2006 |
'That He Might Fill All Things' |
44Acts 01:1-11 |
Ascension Day (transfered), 2006 |
'Lord, Teach Us to Pray' |
43John 16:23-30 |
Easter 5, 2006 |
'Every Good and Perfect Gift' |
59James 1:19-21 |
Easter 4, 2006 |
'Sorrow Turned to Joy' |
43John 16:16-24 |
Easter 3, 2006 |
'I Am Jesus Little Lamb' |
43John 10:11-16 |
Easter 2, 2006 |
'Unless I Thrust My Hand Into His Side' |
43John 20:19-31 |
Easter 1, 2006 |
'The Death of Death' |
41Mark 16:1-8 |
Resurrection Sunday, 2006 |
'Why So Good?' |
43John 18-19 |
Good Friday, 2006 |
'Given for You' |
461 Corinthians 11:23-32 |
Maundy Thursday, 2006 |
'Ride on to Die' |
40Matthew 21:1-9 |
Palm Sunday, 2006 |
'Passion Sunday' |
43John 08:46-59 |
Lent 5, 2006 |
'They Came to Make Him King' |
43John 06:1-15 |
Lent 4, 2006 |
'The Stronger Man' |
42Luke 11:14-28 |
Lent 3, 2006 |
'No Other Gods' |
23Isaiah 45:20-25 |
Lent 2, 2006 |
'Christ is Tempted for Us' |
40Matthew 04:1-11 |
Lent 1, 2006 |
'Hear Him' |
41Mark 09:2-9 |
Transfiguration, 2006 |
'Forgiveness: Assured' |
41Mark 02:1-12 |
Epiphany 7, 2006 |
'I Am Willing, Be Clean!' |
41Mark 01:40-45 |
Epiphany 6, 2006 |
'Slave to None, Slave to All' |
471 Corinthians 09:19-23 |
Epiphany 5, 2006 |
'He Taught Them As One Having Authority' |
41Mark 01:21-28 |
Epiphany 4, 2006 |
'God Repents' |
31Jonah 3:10 |
Epiphany 3, 2006 |
'You Will See Greater Things than These' |
43John 01:43-51 |
Epiphany 2, 2006 |
'Why Was Jesus Baptized?' |
41Mark 01:4-11 |
Epiphany 1, 2006 |
'What Great Fools' |
40Matthew 02:1-12 |
Epiphany, 2006 |
'How Excellent is Thy Name' |
19Psalm 008:1 |
The Name of Jesus, 2006 |
'In the Name of Jesus' |
40Matthew 08:1 |
Eve of the Name of Jesus, 2005 |
'Found the Babe, Found by the Babe' |
42Luke 02:1-20 |
Christmas Day, 2005 |
'Glory to God, Peace to Men' |
42Luke 02:1-20 |
Christmas Eve, 2005 |
'The Everlasting Throne' |
102 Samuel 07:1-16 |
Advent 4, 2005 |
'Instead of...' |
23Isaiah 60:1-3, 10-11 |
Advent 3, 2005 |
'The Great Highway Maker' |
23Isaiah 40:1-11 |
Advent 2, 2005 |
'The King on the Borrowed Burro' |
40Matthew 21:1-11 |
Advent 1, 2005 |
'The One Who Shuts and No One Opens' |
40Matthew 25:1-13 |
Last Sunday 2005 |
'The Confused Sheep' |
40Matthew 25:31-46 |
Second Last 2005 |
'Behold the Great Multitude' |
66Revelation 07:9-10 |
All Saints 2005 |
'One Little Word' |
45Romans 03:19-28 |
Reformation 2005 |
'Love and the Keeping on the Law' |
04Leviticus 19:18 |
Pentecost 23 2005 |
'Love and the Keeping on the Law' |
40Matthew 22:36-40 |
Pentecost 23 2005 |
'They Came to Trap Jesus' |
40Matthew 22:14-22 |
Pentecost 22 2005 |
'The Invitation of the King' |
40Matthew 22:1-14 |
Pentecost 21 2005 |
'The Vineyard of the Lord' |
23Isaiah 05:1-7 |
Pentecost 20 2005 |
'The Humility of God' |
50Philippians 2:1-11 |
Pentecost 19 2005 |
'The Happy Unfairness of the Gospel' |
40Matthew 20:1-16 |
Pentecost 18 2005 |
'Forgiven and Forgiving' |
40Matthew 18:21-35 |
Pentecost 17 2005 |
'Repentance' |
40Matthew 18:15-20 |
Pentecost 16 2005 |
'Repentance' |
26Ezekiel 33:7-9 |
Pentecost 16 2005 |
'Jesus and His Cross' |
40Matthew 16:21-26 |
Pentecost 15 2005 |
'The Father Gives Us the Gift of Confessing Jesus' |
40Matthew 16:13-20 |
Pentecost 14 2005 |
'God's Hidden Yes' |
40Matthew 15:21-28 |
Pentecost 13 2005 |
'Jesus on the Water' |
40Matthew 14:22-33 |
Pentecost 12 2005 |
'Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread' |
40Matthew 14:13-21 |
Pentecost 11 2005 |
'All ThingsWork Together... For You' |
45Romans 08:28-30 |
Pentecost 10 2005 |
'Don't Weed This Garden' |
40Matthew 13:24-30,36-43 |
Pentecost 09 2005 |
'The Lord's Word is not Empty' |
23Isaiah 55:10-11 |
Pentecost 08 2005 |
Inaugural Sermon: "Jesus Gives Us Rest" |
40Matthew 11:28-30 |
Pentecost 07 2005