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Saturday, February 22, 2025 | |
Upcoming Event: Congregational Retreat
Resurrection Chronology
Martin Luther Sermon Audio
Not actual audio of Luther, mind you, but Pastor Wolfmueller reading sermons from Luther's House Postils. We hope this collection will continue to grow through the church year...
Documents Related to Papal Supremacy
Excerpts from primary documents (from 1302 Unam Sanctum to the 1994 Catholic Catechism) asserting the primacy of the Pope. This gives the necessary bacground to understand the Lutheran teaching about the Pope (especially the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, 1537).
Funeral Planning Workshop Notes
Martin Luther Page
A Narrative Commentary on the Divine Service
A running commentary on the different parts of the litugry, this explanation of our Lutheran worship service shows the pervasiveness of the Scriptures and the Gospel.
Historic One-Year Lectionary
The Scripture lessons heard each year in the Church.
Holy Week Chronology
Pastor as Shepherd
A Bible study for pastors.
Bible Reading Plan
A plan for reading through the New Testament or the entire Bible in a year.
A Catechism on Death, Life and the Resurrection
Questions and answers about death, heaven and the resurrection.
A Mini-Hymnal: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
An abbreviated Hymnal for use in the home, hospital and while traveling.
The Hymns We Sing
Short devotional articles about a few of our wonderful hymns.
The Church Year
Devotional pamphlets describing the seasons of the Church Year.
The Gospel According to St. Matthew
Class handouts for our study of the first Gospel.
Introduction to the Lord's Prayer from Dr Luther's Large Catechism
This 8-page booklet is a reproduction of Martin Luther's introduction to the Lord's Prayer, where he highlights the four reasons we pray. This booklet is useful for devotional reading or Bible Class.
A Simple Way to Pray: A Letter from Luther to Peter the Barber
This 20-page booklet is a reproduction of Dr. Martin Luther's open letter to Peter the Barber, answering Peter's request for some suggestions on prayer. Luther tells us how he prays the catechism, and gives examples for us to follow.
Christian Questions and Answers
Luther composed these questions and answers for all who intend to go to the Lord's Supper.