Hope Lutheran Church

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The Gospel is Always a Surprise

The preaching of the Law is expected. It is no surprise that we are poor, miserable sinners. We live in the midst of our poor, miserable sinfulness. It is no surprise, therefore, when we hear the condemnation of the Law. “Because you are a sinner, you deserve God's wrath.” “Yes, this is true.” The condemnation of the Law might be terrifying, but it is not surprising.

Why? The judgment of the Law is not surprising because it is what we have earned and deserved. “The wages of sin is death.” [Romans 6:23] What worker is surprised when they get their pay-check and see that they are being paid their proper wages?

On the other hand, the Gospel is always a surprise, it is always unexpected, always astonishing. Why? Because it is never earned or deserved. “The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 6:23] A gift is never earned or deserved. If it were, it wouldn't be a gift. So it is with the gift of the forgiveness of our sins, because it is a gift, it is free. Because it is a gift, is it unexpected. No matter how many times we hear it, because it is a gift, the Gospel is always a surprise.

The Lord speaks to us, “I forgive you all of your sins.”
We respond, with surprise and delight, “Me! My sins? You are forgiving me?”
“Yes, you. All of your sins are forgiven through the death of My Son for you.”
“For me?” The surprise and delight goes on. “How can that be. I don't deserve that.”
This is true, you don't deserve it. It's My free gift to you.”
“For me? Oh, thank you, Lord, for your great love and mercy!” The good news is so great that it is never expected. Every time we hear the Gospel it is new, unexpected, a surprise.

May God grant us His Holy Spirit, that the preaching of His Gospel would always come to us as a delightful, astonishing, unexpected surprise.

The Lord's Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Wolfmueller

For Further Study... “Astonishment”
St Matthew 7:28; 13:54; 22:33; St Mark 1:22; 7:37; Acts 13:12

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This is an archive from Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller

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