Hope Lutheran Church

      Print Page | Close Friday, February 28, 2025 http://www.hope-aurora.org/pages/LVRCatRet.html     

Catechism Retreat

at Lutheran Valley Retreat

2016 Theme: "The Sacraments"

Two sessions to choose from

Sunday, June 26 — Wednesday, June 29, 2016
(Sunday dinner through mid-morning Wednesday)
Wednesday, June 29 — Saturday, July 2 , 2016
(Wednesday dinner through mid-morning Saturday)

Who: Students age 10 to grade 12 

Cost: $195 per retreater ($97.50 per pastor/chaperone)

Register Here: http://lvrcatechism.campbrainregistration.com

Down Fliers: color pdf | black and white pdf

Pastors will teach the students, conduct the liturgies (Matins and Vespers) and preach. (Pastors attend at half price.)
Camp counselors will bunk with the students and provide all of the exciting camp activities (hiking, archery, fishing, capture the flag, and other adventure games).

Please contact Pastor Wolfmueller for more information:
(303) 364-7416 | bwolfmueller@gmail.com

Find more information, packing lists, medical release forms, and directions at the Lutheran Valley Retreat website here: http://www.lvr.org/

This is an archive from Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller

Please visit Hope's website at hopeaurora.org