Catechism Retreatat Lutheran Valley Retreat2016 Theme: "The Sacraments"Two sessions to choose from
Sunday, June 26 — Wednesday, June 29, 2016
(Sunday dinner through mid-morning Wednesday)
Wednesday, June 29 — Saturday, July 2 , 2016
(Wednesday dinner through mid-morning Saturday)
Who: Students age 10 to grade 12 Cost: $195 per retreater ($97.50 per pastor/chaperone) Register Here: http://lvrcatechism.campbrainregistration.com Down Fliers: color pdf | black and white pdf
Pastors will teach the students, conduct the liturgies (Matins and Vespers) and preach. (Pastors attend at half price.)
Please contact Pastor Wolfmueller for more information: Find more information, packing lists, medical release forms, and directions at the Lutheran Valley Retreat website here: http://www.lvr.org/ |
This is an archive from Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller |